Financial review
The year began with the Omicron variant of covid causing disruption across the business, particularly in the UK division. However, despite this, passenger numbers and revenue grew strongly resulting in revenue of £2,807.5m for the year; a record for the Group and an increase of 29.4% (24.3% on a constant currency basis) yearon- year.
James Stamp
Group Chief Financial Officer
1 March 2023

Summary Income Statement
Underlying |
Separately |
Total |
Revenue | 2,807.5 | – | 2,807.5 |
Operating costs | (2,610.2) | (355.8) | (2,966.0) |
Operating profit/(loss) | 197.3 | (355.8) | (158.5) |
Share of results from associates | (0.4) | – | (0.4) |
Net finance costs | (51.0) | – | (51.0) |
Profit/(loss) before tax | 145.9 | (355.8) | (209.9) |
Tax | (30.3) | 19.5 | (10.8) |
Profit/(loss) for the year | 115.6 | (336.3) | (220.7) |
Restated2 Underlying result1 |
Separately |
Restated2 Total |
Revenue | 2,170.3 | – | 2,170.3 |
Operating costs | (2,083.3) | (123.2) | (2,206.5) |
Operating profit/(loss) | 87.0 | (123.2) | (36.2) |
Share of results from associates | (1.0) | – | (1.0) |
Net finance costs | (46.3) | (1.4) | (47.7) |
Profit/(loss) before tax | 39.7 | (124.6) | (84.9) |
Tax | (12.0) | 19.8 | 7.8 |
Profit/(loss) for the year | 27.7 | (104.8) | (77.1) |
1. To supplement IFRS reporting, we also present our results on an Underlying basis which shows the performance of the business before separately disclosed items. These principally comprise intangible amortisation for acquired businesses, impairment of goodwill, certain costs arising as a direct consequence of the pandemic and onerous contract charges in respect of driver shortages in North America. Treatment as a separately disclosed item provides users of the accounts with additional useful information to assess the year-on-year trading performance of the Group. Further explanation in relation to these measures, together with cross-references to reconciliations to statutory equivalents where relevant, can be found on pages 291 to 293 of the 2022 Annual Report
2. Restated for correction to deferred tax assets and liabilities. Please see note 2 to the Financial Statements.
Revenue growth was underpinned by a strong and sustained recovery, building in the second half of the year, in our coach, bus, and shuttle services. Revenue growth has been achieved despite a net £106.2m year-on-year reduction in Covid-related revenue support from governments and transport authorities as passenger fares replace Covid grants. Grants received in the year totalled £56.7m (2021: £162.9m), falling from 7.5% of Group revenue in 2021 to 2.0% in 2022 as passenger numbers and service levels recovered.
The year-on-year improvement in an Underlying Operating Profit of £110.3m reflected the increase in revenue described above, combined with continued cost control, which more than offset significantly reduced support from governments and transport authorities. The combined Covid-related revenue and cost support from governments and transport authorities of £131.7m is a reduction of £95.7m from the £227.4m recognised in the prior year. We anticipate little or no further Covid-related support going forward.
After £355.8m (2021: £123.2m) of separately disclosed items, of which £260.6m related to the non-cash impairment of goodwill in ALSA, the statutory operating loss was £158.5m (2021: £36.2m loss). The impairment of goodwill in ALSA was caused by a rise in risk free interest rates used to discount cash flows. The trading prospects for our ALSA business are unchanged.
Underlying net finance costs increased by £4.7m to £51.0m (2021: £46.3m) reflecting the increase in interest rates during the year, which impacted the 20% of the Group’s Net Debt that is at floating rates of interest. After finance costs and a loss of £0.4m from the share of results from associates (2021: £1.0m loss), the Group recorded an Underlying Profit Before Tax of £145.9m (2021: £39.7m).
The Underlying tax charge was £30.3m (2021: £12.0m credit) representing an Underlying effective tax rate of 20.8% (2021: 30.2%). The statutory tax charge was £10.8m (2021: £7.8m credit). Tax losses in most jurisdictions have been recognised as deferred tax assets with forecasts of future profits supporting their utilisation.
The Statutory Loss for the year, after the separately disclosed items explained below, was £220.7m (2021: £77.1m loss).