Alsa offers 50% discount on tickets for regional services
26 January 2023 12:00 PM

To complement the free long haul travel tickets supported by the Spanish Government to encourage use of public transport, Alsa is introducing a 50% discount for regional services.
The discount will apply to the services operated in the same Autonomous Region and between neighbouring communities.
The introduction of these tickets is governed by the Royal Decree 20/2022 providing a Government subsidy to deliver a 30% discount for transport services in autonomous regions and local entities, topped up with a 20% additional subsidy charged to the budget of regional governments and local entities.
The discounted tickets are aimed at promoting public transport for regular or frequent travellers in each regional area. For example; between Málaga-Granada, San Sebastián-Pamplona or Santander-Torrelavega.
Valid up to 30th June
The discounted tickets are valid until 30th June 2023. Alsa has launching several types of multi-travel tickets to cover the different passenger needs. Passengers can purchase tickets from 3 to 40 journeys. No deposit is required in purchase, but several conditions are established to avoid improper use.
With the launch of these multi-travel tickets for regional services, added to the free tickets for long haul, we aim to promote the use of public transport by bus as the most sustainable, comfortable and economic way to travel, particularly for commuting for work or education.